Award Winning Children`s Author Chris Lin Will Be in Chicago For the Chinese East Meets West Chinese Adoption Conference April 19th

Released on: April 16, 2008, 10:12 am

Press Release Author: Strategic Vision/ Laura Ward

Industry: Entertainment

Press Release Summary: Lin Will Make Several Book Signing Appearances While in

Press Release Body: AnnArbor, MI April 16, 2008 - Chris Lin, author of the
iParenting Award winning Mandy and Pandy Series will be participating in the East
Meets West Chinese Adoption Conference, April 19th at the Embassy Suites, Chicago -
O'Hare / Rosemont. The conference, featuring the best of the Chinese adoption world,
hopes to bring adoption education to as much of the country as possible. While in
taking part at the conference, Lin will be doing several book signings in the
Chicago area beginning April 16th, 2-6 pm at the Chinese Cultural Bookstore, 2145-B
S. China Place, 2nd Floor, Chicago; April 20th, 1-3 pm at the Caf Express, 615
Dempster Street, Evanston; April 26th, 1-3 pm at the Chicago Kids Bookstore, 3453 N.
Southport, Chicago.

Mandy and Pandy is an exciting series of twelve educational children's books,
teaching parents and their children to speak Chinese starting with Mandy and Pandy
Say "Ni Hao Ma?" and Mandy and Pandy Play Let's Count. These two wonderful books not
only include an accompanying CD, they also display Chinese characters as well as pin
yin phonetics, which help the reader pronounce the Chinese characters.

"Mandy and Pandy quickly became a part of my family's household as well as many of
my friends, family and neighbor's," said Melissa Golden, Sales Director of Mandy and
Pandy. "I believe in these books and their purpose so strongly that I wanted to be
a part of Mandy and Pandy so that others could experience the joy and education in
their homes as Mandy and Pandy has brought into mine."

Author and creator Chris Lin says he sees the importance of learning Chinese as a
good foundation for the future so that now more than ever we all have a reason to
learn even a little bit of Chinese. Books 3 and 4 are due to be released in July to
coincide with the Beijing Olympics. These are Mandy and Pandy Visit China and Mandy
and Pandy Play Sports.

"Mandy and Pandy look forward to helping teach Chinese to children and those who are
young in their hearts," said Lin. "Our year is full of appearances across the
country and we are excited to be in Chicago as we continue on our journey."

Mandy and Pandy has already been recognized as outstanding product by iParenting
Media in the category of educational books for children as well as being nominated
for several upcoming book awards. The iParenting Media award is considered one of
the most prestigious awards for products for families.

Chris Lin is originally from Troy, Michigan where he played football on the State
Finalist "Giant Killers" in 1985, and graduated as class president in 1987 from Troy
High School. Lin went on to earn a BA in Economics and an MBA in marketing from
University of Michigan and spent several years studying Chinese. When he brought his
adopted daughter, Mandy, from China to Chinese class over a year ago, he realized
that there was a need for fun books that made learning Chinese easy.

More information on Mandy and Pandy can be found at


Web Site:

Contact Details: Strategic Vision
Laura Ward
2451 Cumberland Parkway
Suite 3607
Atlanta, GA 30339

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